Δείτε πόσο σέξι είναι ο σύζυγος της Jennifer Aniston- Οι γυμνές φωτό που κάνουν τον γύρο του διαδικτύου


Οι φωτογραφίες του φυσικά κάνουν το γύρο του διαδικτύου καθώς είναι η πρώτη φορά που βλέπουμε τον 44χρονο χολιγουντιανό σταρ ολόγυμνο! Όπως μπορείτε να δείτε, ο Justin Theroux είναι φέτες και γεμάτος τατουάζ, τα οποία έγιναν για τις ανάγκες του ρόλου του.

Plot twists: Following his death and resurrection, his character Kevin becomes an assassin in the drama series based around the Biblical end of daysPlot twists: Following his death and resurrection, his character Kevin becomes an assassin in the drama series based around the Biblical end of days

No stunt double required: The actors bottom was seen glistening and wet as he crawled out of a bath tub after his character was brought back from the dead. His tattoos were also clearly visible

Revealed: The 44-year-old was butt naked in one scenes of his HBO series 

Fighting fit: Justin Theroux, who married Jennifer Aniston in August, showed his buff body on The Leftovers on Sunday night